Otto the Great

Blessed Charlemagne, Holy Roman Emperor, 1st Cousin of 57 Generations

All over Rome and the Vatican we have seen the videos of the Pagan Ceremony in the Vatican Gardens, in the synod hall, in the churches of Rome and the Priests of Rome have no back bone, they are not defending Christ, The Son of the Most High God!

If they call themselves Catholic Priests, their job is to make sure their flock gets to Heaven and not hell, with them not destroying the idols, taking down the pagan posters, tossing the pagans into the street, they are not doing their duty as protectors of souls and not acting like a shepherd, a shepherd fights off the wolves and kills it before it kills the flock!

We have Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Muller, Cardinal Arinze and Bishop Schneider releasing more books, books are fine when things are a tad normal, when things are this bad and open pagan worship taken over in our churches and at the Vatican, and Pagan Idols given pride and place in the synod hall and Saint Peter’s, it is their duty to march into these churches, halls, the Baslica to toss out these idols, to act like Shepherds, True Successors of the Apostles, who did this every where they went, especially Saint Paul.

They are to imitate, now in real life, the cleansing of the temple as Our Lord did, to imitate Saint Boniface in chopping down the pagan tree in Germany, Saint Francis Xavier destroying the Hindu Pagan Idols of India.

Stop being pin cushions, punching bags for these heretics, punch back, fight back, literally defend Our Lord and His Bride, Holy Mother Church from these Pagans, disrupt the Synod You Cardinals! Go into the Synod Hall Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Muller, Cardinal Sarah, Cardinal Arinze, create a mess as Jorge Bergoglio says to do, stop this left wing Communist Pagan Synod! You were created Cardinals, why do the Cardinals wear red?  Because they are expected to literally give their life for the Faith!

You Swiss Pontifical Guard, you are letting your brave 189 Martyrs down for not defending the Faith, you could order these pagans tossed out, idols removed, do it!

Those with authority, Defend the Faith, Catholic Priests Of Rome, take back your parishes, cleanse the parishes, re-consecrate back to Christ, shut the doors to these pagans and their idols, if the Vatican tells you to go against the Catholic Faith and place these idols in your parish, Disobey In Order To Defend The Catholic Faith!

Deus Vult+

Andrew, Great Grandson of Holy Roman Emperor Otto I, and 1st Cousin of 57 Generations of Blessed Charlemagne!

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