Men Of The West, Defend Your Heritage, Do Not Kneel To Man, But To God Alone!

Blessed Charlemagne, 1st Cousin Of 57 Generations
Saint Stephen The Great, King Of Hungary, A Great Uncle

grandpa and grandma

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Saint King Louis IX, 42nd Great Uncle

Otto the Great

King Richard I, The Lionheart, 40th Great Uncle

46th uncle


Saint King Ferdinand III, My Great Grandfather

I’ve tried to stay silent and see where this is going, after FBI Agents, Police Departments, National Guard kneeling and giving into the mob, then yesterday, they made a Police Department wash the mob’s feet. In Minneapolis Minnesota, there will be no Police Department in the coming months.

It is now happening in the UK, where the Police have no weapons, are so weak and timid and ruled by Political Correctness that they dare not offend anyone, even if that means their country is taken over.  The PM, Mayor Of London, Police Chief and other city officials across UK have given in, citizens protecting the monuments get arrested, but the terrorists of Black Lives Matter part one and two, and ANTIFA part one and two,  are free to cause mayhem and chaos.

No more being silent, no more just watching the West being taken over Socialist Democrat, Anarchists and Communist Terrorist Organizations, same organizations that destroyed Christian Russia and is destroying Western Europe, UK, Ireland, the United States and other places.

It is time gentlemen to no longer be timid, to be weak, to be Politically Correct, but to RISE UP and take your country back, if you have laws on the book for use of weapons for self defense, defend your stores, your homes, your neighbors, your fellow Police Officer, by seeing reports, if one is using their right to self defense with a firearm or come at them in large groups, they flee, because truly they are cowards.  Never let the liberal lying fake news media and socialist democrats and rhino fake conservatives tell you that you do not need a firearm, especially a semi-auto rifle with thirty round magazines, because now we need them more than ever and it is great see so many new gun owners since the madness started, over 2 million new gun owners in the first half of 2020, that is excellent!

In 2018, there was 400 Million Gun Owners in the US, compared to the 4.5 Million of the US Military, if we need to gentlemen, see the laws of your state, form the lawful State Militia to restore order, to defend the cities, to put down rebellion.



We were sucker punched, knocked off guard by what has happened, led astray by the Mass Media to not worry about ANTIFA & BLM, now NYC is in ruins, police are being killed, people beaten, stoned, stores looted, burned, a family in Richmond Virginia burned to death in their home.

I support the Conservative German Party, AFD calling for President Trump to investigate ANTIFA Internationally, because ANTIFA and now we see it, BLM is also an International Terrorist Organization, both need to be investigated and gone after domestically and internationally!

I say again, Finally, follow your State’s Constitution on self defense with a firearm, defend your family, your house, your store and even your fellow Police Officer from these terrorists, and show them who we are and that they messed up big time and put the fear of Almighty God into them.

Never Apologize for who you are, never give into the mob, never kneel and submit to them, never ever apologize for our history.

God bless,


The Dangers and Destructiveness Of Revolutions

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Please see the rest of the thread by Cam On Twitter 

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Right now currently in many states across America, the Domestic Terrorist Organization, ANTIFA and the other organization that needs to be labeled a Terrorist Organization, Black Lives Matter, they want the destruction of America and install anarchy and communism.

Three Revolutions are very important and personal, and family was in all three, both on the American side and French side during the American Revolution, the French Revolution where my family members were murdered and the October Revolution where the Tsar and family of Russia were murdered and Communism entered the world.

Let us begin to ask the questions:

1. What is a revolution and what causes a revolution?

2.  Can a Revolution Be A Just War?

3.  What Is Anarchy and How Is It Spread?

4.  What is their goal for the country they want to take over?

Let us now talk on the French Revolution

5.  What is the roles that cause the start of the French Revolution?

6.  What Destruction That Is Still Being Caused To This Very Day From The French Revolution?

7. Why Were The Catholics Targeted and Killed?

8.  How Has The French Revolution Damaged The Church In France and as a Whole?

Let us now talk on the October Revolution That Murdered The Tsar and his family

9. Can you speak on how Lenin and Trotsky turned the people of Russia with lies against the Tsar?

10.  What was the big catalyst that caused the fall of Tsarist Russia in October 1917?

11.  How did Leninism begin Communism and how did it spread throughout the earth so fast?

12.  Has this entered into the democrat party who supports ANTIFA & Black Lives Matter?

The Danger Of Revolutionists

13. Do You Believe America Is Trying To Be Toppled By These Revolutionists?

14. Do you believe these revolutionists funded by George Soros will continue to try to attack America and other countries?

Finally, is there a way that revolutionists can be stopped?

I’ve Had Major Questions On Opus Dei Since The Movie ‘There Be Dragons’ Came Out.


To learn about this movie and see previews from it, There Be Dragons (2011) – The Movie Database

So, what were my questions?

Who did they support during the Spanish Civil War? The Communists or the faithful Catholic Franco?  In the movie it showed none of this, but Josemaria’s friend was with the Communists.  The entire movie was odd, it was when the errors of Modernism swept into Spain and how he hid as a lay man and his female members, he had to pretend to be married, those who helped him form Opus Dei, they seemed weird as well.  I mean, it’s a good action movie with themes of Catholicism, but a very modernist Catholicism.
Let me go through this article by Canon Lawyer Nicolas Dehan and he will speak on this.

For over sixty years, “God’s Work” has labored very discreetly, so much so that some of its opponents – and it does have some – have defined it as clerical Freemasonry.

Josemaria Escriva, who died in 1975, hurtled over the various stages of the beatification process and was pushed up to the altar with amazing speed: 17 years. Certainly, the media seized upon this sensational aspect of the event, so rarely seen in Church history. For instance, think of the time it took – 170 years – to define the heroic virtue of an authentic popular apostle like Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort.

Thus, logic based on Church history prompts attempting to discover a reason justifying the urgency surrounding the introduction of Msgr. Escriva’s beatification process, and its acceleration. His cause was opened in 1981, six years after his death.

During the years of the process, the Opus Dei, which has no media antennae of its own, and conforming to its principle of discretion, reached its affiliates in the intellectual and professional classes through an annual Information Bulletin, addressed to select cadres. This private publication exalted the Spanish priest’s deep interior life and his apostolate; it reviewed and commented on his written and social work; it informed readers of the progress of his cause in the Roman Curia; and gave a brief overview of the Opus Dei’s expressions and its international activities. Although not much, this was enough to get and keep the attention of the Bulletin’s readers, who might be curious about, or interested in, restoring the social order upon spiritual foundations. Nothing written in this publication, a priori, arouses any suspicion of an orientation deviating from the traditional teaching of the Church. Thus, the reader faithful to Church teaching remains trusting.”

The same Bulletin also serves as a remembrance for those who knew the apostolate and work, some decades ago, of another Spanish priest, Rev. Fr. Vallet.

Information on the Opus Dei leads to comparing the two works, as well to deducing two facts:

  1. an obvious similarity in style of apostolate of Rev. Fr. Vallet’s work, founded in 1922, and that of Fr. Escriva in 1928.
  2. a coincidence of the dates of the suppression of Fr. Vallet’s work, his expulsion from Spain at the hierarchy’s order, and the birth of Fr. Escriva’s work only a few weeks later during the same year, and supported by the same hierarchy.

The grand silence maintained by the Church on the missionary and social work of Jesuit Fr. Francois de Paule Vallet and, over these many years, the great amount of discretion enveloping Fr. Josemaria Escriva’s work, is enough to whet the curiosity, to incite lifting the veil by investigating all documentation on these works. Let us begin with what the Conciliar Church today exalts.”

In the 1920’s, the Jesuit priest, Fr. Francois de Paule Vallet (1883-1947), having discovered the power of conversion possible through the 30-day Ignatian Exercises, made them available to more people, especially laity, by condensing them into a 5-day format.

In 1928, Fr. Vallet founded the Parochial Co-operators of Christ the King with the express purpose of presenting this abbreviated form of the Exercises to laity, who for reasons of time, money, and physical and mental capacity found the 30-day regimen too difficult. The 5-day retreat was an “adaptation to modern man” while still preserving the masterpieces of the original 30-day format.

Fr. Francois Vallet

The Cooperators’ apostolate went international, and in France and Spain spawned “La Cite Catholique,” a network of lay cells in France and Spain which studied Catholic doctrine and worked practically to restore Christ as King over society. (Some 5,000 former retreatants died fighting for a Catholic Spain against the Communists in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-39). Edited from the Verbum

Opus Dei’s spirituality: sanctification through work

On October 2, 1928, Fr. Escriva de Balaguer knew the will of God in all its implications… The light received was not a general inspiration, but a precise illumination; he knew from the outset that The Work was not a human one, but a great supernatural undertaking; …the founder was able to describe it, presenting its total newness: all men are called to holiness and to apostolate, “without leaving the world, on the condition that they supernaturalize, above all, the temporal realities in which they are immersed: professional work, family and social responsibilities.”[6]

If this proposition is not false, it is essential to know how to interpret this phrase:

provided that he supernaturalize the temporal realities above all.

“What took shape was a veritable pastoral phenomenon,” writes Dominique Le Tourneau. In the 1920’s, the wind was favorable to novelties, echoes of which were found at all ecclesiastical levels. In the beginning of the century, modernism was condemned but not neutralized. Taking refuge in clandestinity, it flourished, fostering a climate of return to novelties, or of a favorable reception to them: liturgical change, pastoral novelties, the marriage of the Church and the world.

The Opus Dei refutes 10 centuries of Tradition

One of the next chapter’s subheadings, “The religious concept,” is instructive:

In the lives of the early Christians, work was not seen as something “good in itself” and, above all, was considered an ascetic means for combating pride… Among the Fathers of the Church, St. John Chrysostom, who paid great attention to work, was the last prominent Churchman to speak of the sanctification of the ordinary life in the same terms as Vatican II. After him, one gets the impression that the ordinary Christian is not called to fully live the Gospel. This prevailed up to the fifth century; regarding apostolate, it does not seem to have been part of the Christian’s obligations. In the Rule of St. Benedict, it is more the monastery than the monk who carries out apostolate.(!)[7]

After this quotation, which inspires amazement and uneasiness, the author outlines the horizon where he wishes to lead the reader:

The appearance of the mendicant orders brought with it an emphasis on preaching, with preacher-monks traveling from city to city. This did not imply any affirmation of the value of professional work. On the contrary, above all, it seems to have increased the distance from it… The theologians of the mendicant orders did not reflect much upon the fundamental dimension of work; they affirmed the non-obligatory character of manual work. St. Thomas presents the secular occupations as an obstacle to contemplation. St. Bonaventure and others express a similar opinion.

Some other institutions more directly present in the world (military orders and medieval guilds) furnished scant ascetic and doctrinal preparation favorable to an awareness of the need to sanctify work.

Over the course of subsequent centuries, attention was deflected from work. The author of The Imitation of Jesus Christ judged work even more negatively than had the Desert Fathers. But the polarity that they erected between work and pride underwent a basic distortion in that work was seen as a constraint upon the effort implied in the ascetic struggle. This is the conception of Cisneros8 in his Exercitatorio and of St. Ignatius Loyola in his Spiritual Exercises.[9]

The Opus Dei: liberalism’s new antenna

After having disposed of the Church’s tradition, the Opus Dei prudently sets forth its doctrine’s spirit: The Opus Dei’s theologian’s following quotation sums it up:

A certain positive evolution was begun during the Renaissance by some men like Thomas More[10] and Erasmus[11] (…) However, the Catholic theology of the Renaissance and of the Baroque eras[12] were in part contaminated by the ideas of an aristocracy which, by way of a narrow and badly founded moralism, held manual labor in contempt…[13]

Vasquez de la Prada, in El fundator del Opus Dei, says the same thing, recognizing that the spirit of the Opus Dei formerly qualified as being innovative and heretical, but is today ratified by Vatican II. He writes:

His [Escriva’s] collaborator and successor – Msgr. Alvaro del Portillo – [recently deceased – English Ed.] – who is faithful to the Council, and who contributed to its development, made this comment, “On many occasions during the approval of conciliar documents, legitimizing them while speaking with the founder of the Opus Dei, I repeated to him: ‘Congratulations: Because what is in your soul, and what you have unfailingly taught since 1929 has been solemnly proclaimed by the magisterium of the Church‘”…[22]

Vasquez adds:

This doctrine which thirty years ago would have been considered to be folly and heresy has been invested with official solemnity.

This is an unvarnished admission of the upheaval of the Church’s traditional doctrine. The Opus’ new doctrine was ratified yesterday by the Council and glorified today by the beatification. Because we are not fools, [we must say that] the beatification is the integration of Opus’ principles into the conciliar Church’s doctrine.

Opus members know, and have no compunction about this destruction of Tradition. In the book, Estudios sobre camino [Studies on The Way – Ed.], in a chapter titled, “A Silent Revolution,” José Miguel Ceja makes this comment:

The novelty of the teachings of Msgr. Escriva consisted not only in being a new way of making an apostolic task practical, this being more or less similar to what, in previous times, the Church undertook through the concept and praxis of apostolate…, [Rather], The Way represented a quasi – and even non-quasi – scandalous novelty.[23]

Ordinary Christians in the World: What does the Opus Dei say about itself?

While Opus Dei is people far more than it is institutions, there are a certain number of institutions conducted by members on their own initiative, which in one way or another embody the spirit and purpose of the organization.

Although these institutions – universities, schools, study centers, student residences, conference centers, and professional or vocational training institutes of various kinds – have an apostolic purpose, they are not officially ‘Catholic,’ since members of Opus Dei conduct them on their own and in collaboration with others who are not only not members of Opus Dei but, in many cases, not even Catholics. Opus Dei itself takes responsibility only for the spiritual and doctrinal aspects of the programs of these institutions, not for their practical and professional management…

In addition to the members of Opus Dei and the priests associated with the Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, there are also ‘Cooperators’ who help through their prayers, work, and financial assistance. In return, they benefit from the prayers of members and other spiritual helps. If they wish, they can participate in various spiritual and educational activities. Non-Catholics as well as Catholics can be Cooperators. (Opus Dei was the first Church institution to have non-Catholic Cooperators.)

(Taken from Ordinary Christians in the World. What is Opus Dei? pp. 12, 14. Available from: 99 Overlook Circle, New Rochelle, NY 10804)

The houses of Opus Dei are inter-confessional residences where ‘students of all religions and ideologies live.’ (Conversaciones con Msgr. Escriva de Balaguer, Conversations with Msgr. Escriva de Balaguer, Rialp, p.117).

The affirmation of pluralism for Catholics in the first years of the Opus was an incomprehensible novelty to many, because they had been formed in a totally opposite direction. (Ibid., p.311).

The Work was the first association of the Church which opened its arms fraternally to all men, without a distinction as to their creed or confession” (Tiempo de Caminas, Ana Sastre, Rialp, p.610).

These are not only words: our Work is the first organization to have authorization from the Holy See to admit non-Catholics, Christians or not. I have always taken the defense of liberty of conscience. (Conversaciones, p.296).

In the above, there are two questionable, debatable points which are illusionary, utopian and mistaken:

  1. The Opus Dei is not a type of political party. (Yes, it is! And we shall eventually prove it here.)
  2. …all of the viewpoints allowed by a Christian conscience.

Since conscience has been lately defined by natural morality as the “interior sentiment by which man gives witness to himself as to the good and evil that he does” (Larousse), the winds of liberalism have completely deformed this ethic beyond recognition. Conscience, still claiming to be Christian, seduced by the world, arrives at its aggiornamento: it is now elastic and permissive. It allows today what was inadmissible yesterday. Examples abound. Thus, the Opus puts Christian conscience on a very long leash by allowing those with every viewpoint, of all religions, and even non-believers in its ranks, and above all, in its “corporate apostolic activities.”

Le Tourneau states:

For the Founder, the Catholic solution to various problems in the world does not exist.

All solutions will be Christian if they respect natural law and Gospel teaching. He therefore does not put the emphasis on the materiality of the solution, but on the spirit which should inspire it.[28]

These sentences are laden with meaning, power, and destruction. It is necessary to stop here. The Catholic solution is cast aside. Thus the door is open to every solution, all vaguely tinged with ecumenical religiosity.

Meanwhile, pontifical documents reveal the solution to the social question, to the problems of work, to the social order, all of which were in circulation during the first years of the Opus Dei. The encyclicals Mens Nostra (December 20, 1929) and Quadragesimo Anno (May 15, 1931) are specific enough. The solution is Catholic. For example, Pope Pius XI declares that the Spiritual Exercises, in conjunction with retreats, are proper means for resolving the social question:

We have declared these to be very useful for all laymen, for workers… In this school of the spirit is formed, through the love of the heart of Jesus, not only excellent Christians, but true apostles for all states of life.[29]

Let us again ask: Why, at the time of these clear pontifical directives, was Fr. Vallet’s work destroyed, especially since it conformed to this teaching? The internal disintegration of the Church had begun. The modernists installed in the Curia successfully surrounded and beat down St. Pius X’s faithful heirs, who were the artisans of the social kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Rev. Fr. Vallet was among these faithful heirs and his work was an excellent means for “restoring all things in Christ.”

Fr. de Balaguer’s fledgling work took a totally other direction through its being pushed and protected by Msgr. Eijo y Garay. We find this direction defined in our reference work’s Chapter IV, where its nature is presented in paragraph four, under the heading, “Corporate works of apostolate”:

[The apostolate of its own members is primarily] a personal apostolate of friendship and trust. Nevertheless, members of the Opus, joining with their friends, who may be non-Catholics or even non-Christians, sometimes set up corporate works of apostolate. These are always professional and civil in character, radiate a Christian spirit, and contribute to the resolution of contemporary world problems. In any case, these works are not ever official works, nor even officially Catholic… [T]hey are carried out and directed with a lay mentality.[30]

This is aberrant! It is the very apostolic mentality condemned by Popes Pius X, Pius XI, and Pius XII.

“Moreover,” continues Le Tourneau,

these activities are open to men and women of all backgrounds, without discrimination against their social status, race, religion or ideology. This also applies to The Work’s benefactors, as well as to its administrative personnel… It is in co-existence that the person is formed.[31]

This professional and civil character between people of different religions and ideologies, with the same skills or same business, or in the same association, resembles an organization based on similar interests, such as a sports club, a theater troop, but in no way resembles an apostolic work. It is truly a tissue of contradictions; it is to desacralize apostolate, it is apostolate’s negation, as well as the negation of the propagation of the faith, whose mission is conversion; it is to pervert the very sense of the word apostolate.

In Conversations with Msgr. Escriva de Balaguer, one is not astonished to read: “Long live students of all religions and all ideologies.”[32] In the same document, he says, “Pluralism is not to be feared but loved as a legitimate consequence of personal freedom.”

This passion for freedom prompted Escriva to make some of the Opus’ residences inter-confessional. Thus freedom comes before the truth. The truth is an obstacle. Escriva is really the precursor, the inspiration and doctor of the new world order, whose working model we saw at Assisi.

The Opus Dei is a contemporary modernist manifestation, and, as such, falls exactly under the sentence pronounced against modernism and reiterated by the magisterium, particularly by St. Pius X’s Encyclical, Pascendi Dominici Gregis, promulgated on September 8, 1907 and, more precisely, by his August 25, 1910 Letter on the Sillon, condemning these utopias:

At once alarming and saddening are the audacity and the shallowness of spirit of men who call themselves Catholic, who dream of reshaping society… with workers coming from everywhere, of all religions or without any, with or without beliefs, provided only that they forego whatever divides them… The Church, which has never betrayed the happiness of the people by making compromising alliances, has no need to free herself from the past; all that is needed is to take up again, with the help of the social restoration’s true workers, the organisms shattered by the Revolution and to adapt them, in the same Christian spirit that inspired them, to the new milieu created by the material development of contemporary society. For the true friends of the people are neither revolutionaries nor innovators, but traditionalists.”

I urge all my followers to finish reading this report by Canon Lawyer Nicolas Dehan and share it, this important information needs to be shared!

God bless,


A Powerful Refutation Against The Error and Heresy Of Evolution

Saint Thomas More
My Dear Great Uncle, St. Thomas More, Pray For Us!

“And what can be worse kind of infidelity than to make books of heresies, and call them the right faith? And what more abominable infidelity than to abuse the Scripture of God to the color of their false belief? And what can be a worse belief than to believe that the sacraments that God hath ordained by his Holy Spirit be but inventions of man, or as Tyndale saith of confession, but invention of the devil?   And what can be worse belief than to believe that God’s word is not to be believed but if it be put in writing? Or what can be a worse belief than to believe that men’s good works, be they never so well done, be yet nothing worth, nor the man never the better for them, nor no reward for them coming toward man in heaven? Or what can be a worse belief than to believe that a man doth wrong to pray for his father’s soul? Or what can be a worse belief than to believe that a man may as slightly regard Whitsun Sunday as Hock Monday… and as boldly eat flesh on Good Friday as on Shrove Tuesday? And what can be a worse belief than to believe that none other sin can damn a man but only lack of belief? And if it be idolatry to do as the paynims do—give worship unto an idol—how much is it worse than idolatry to do as Tyndale doth: forbid us to give worship to the Very Body and Blessed Blood of God in the Holy Sacrament of the Altar? These pestilent infidelities, and these abominable kinds of idolatries… far exceed and pass, and incomparably more offend the majesty of our Lord God than, all the setting up of Bel and Baal, and Beelzebul, and all the devils in hell. Wherefore, like as in other places where these heresies have taken deeper root and been more spread abroad… God hath taken more deep and sore vengeance, not only by dearth and death, but also by battle and sword: so is it to be feared that for the receipt of these pestilent books, our Lord sendeth us some lack of corn and cattle for a beginning… and will not fail but if our fault be amended to send us as sore punishment as he hath sent already into such other places as would not be by like warning amended… according as he saith in the twenty-sixth  chapter of Leviticus, where he speaketh in this wise: “If ye will not  give ear unto me, nor fulfill all my commandments, but set my laws at naught, despise my judgments, and leave those things undone that are by me ordained, and break my pact and covenant: then will I againward do these things following unto you. I will hastily visit you with penury and burning heat” (or “fever”) “which shall sore vex and grieve your eyes, and consume you even to the death. Over this, ye shall sow your seed in vain… for your enemies shall devour it. I shall also set my face against you, and ye shall fall before your adversaries, and be made subjects unto them that hate you. Ye shall flee where no man chaseth you. And if  ye will not yet, for all this, obey me: I shall for your sins add and put to these plagues sevenfold more; and I shall tread down the pride of your stubbornness,” and so forth.”


I share this from Saint Thomas More’s The Confutation of Tyndale’s Answer Book I through IV due to him responding to so many errors going on at his time, that he some what touches on what lays the foundation of the Error and Heresy of Evolution, a complete attack on everything of the Catholic Faith and how these Secular Humanists of his day were using Scripture, as they do now, to refute everything we believe, as they do today.

His opening prologue attacks these errors and goes on for some distance, but I think this little part does well to defend the Faith against these wicked minds, that even are now inside the Church at the highest levels.  Why is it or how is it, can these bishops, priests, deacons, lay teachers can “teach” using Scripture, but not to prove the Faith or to defend it, but to cause confusion, strike the flock to make them scatter? Just as he says in the short section of the prologue, because of their pride, stubbornness, and love of evil.

That is how a Bishop in the Vatican can give a sacrilegious Holy Communion to an adulterer and his concubine, who also supports abortion, I’m speaking on what happened regarding the new President of Argentina that Jorge Bergoglio supported and wanted back into power.  That is why all these evil men go to hide in the Vatican, because they believe the invention of evil or sin is by Man, not something supernatural, meaning coming from the Fallen Angels when Adam betrayed God when Eve was tempted by the devil and then it was through this same temptation from the devil, through the woman, evil entered into the world.  These evil men who wear clerics or lay clothes, believe as Darwin and other Secular Humanists, which is why they can take the Eucharist, sin without even thinking, because they believe it is all nonsense.  Which St. Thomas More in books I-IV and V-IX refute these errors and defends our Holy Faith.  This is my comment to the new article on From Rome: Evolution Is an error, a myth and a heresy

My dear Great Uncle St. Thomas More, pray for us.
