Mary Stuart Was Executed On 8th February 1587 At Fotheringhay Castle



grandpa and grandma


Re-Blogged From Lindisfarne Gospels: The Works Of Francesco Joseph Dougan

Mary Stuart was executed on 8 February 1587 at Fotheringhay Castle, after a trial whose outcome forever troubled Queen Elizabeth I

This famous account of the execution was written by Robert Wynkfielde.
Researched by Francesco Josepa Dougan; February 2020
Accounts such as these, and woodcuts of the scene, were very popular throughout Europe. The great scandals of Mary’s life were forgotten and she was mourned as a Catholic martyr.
The truth of her demise was not so simple.
Elizabeth did execute Mary over the 19-year course of her imprisonment. Eventually, however, the Catholic threat was deemed too great and Elizabeth signed the warrant for execution.
Her [Mary Queen of Scots] prayers being ended, the executioners, kneeling, desired her Grace to forgive them her death: who answered,
I forgive you with all my heart, for now, I hope, you shall make an end of all my troubles.’
Then they, with her two women, helping her up, began to disrobe her of her apparel: then she, laying her crucifix upon the stool, one of the executioners took from her neck the Agnus Dei, which she, laying hands off it, gave to one of her women, and told the executioner he should be answered money for it.
Then she suffered them, with her two women, to disrobe her of her chain of pomander beads and all other her apparel most willingly, and with joy rather than sorrow, helped to make unready herself, putting on a pair of sleeves with her own hands which they had pulled off, and that with some haste, as if she had longed to be gone.

All this time they were pulling off her apparel, she never changed her countenance, but with smiling cheer, she uttered these words, ‘that she never had such grooms to make her unready, and that she never put off her clothes before such a company.’

Then she, being stripped of all her apparel saving her petticoat and kirtle, her two women beholding her made great lamentation, and crying and crossing themselves prayed in Latin.
She, turning herself to them, embracing them, said these words in French, ‘Ne crie vous, j’ay prome pour vous’, and so crossing and kissing them, bade them pray for her and rejoice and not weep, for that now they should see an end of all their mistress’s troubles.

Then she, with a smiling countenance, turning to her men servants, as Melvin and the rest, standing upon a bench nigh the scaffold, who sometime weeping, sometime crying out aloud, and continually crossing themselves, prayed in Latin, crossing them with her hand bade them farewell, and wishing them to pray for her even until the last hour.

This done, one of the women having a Corpus Christi cloth lapped up three-corner-ways, kissing it, put it over the Queen of Scots’ face, and pinned it fast to the caule of her head.
Then the two women departed from her, and she kneeling down upon the cushion most resolutely, and without any token or fear of death, she spake aloud this Psalm in Latin, “In Te Domine confido, non confundar in eternam”.
Then, groping for the block, she laid down her head, putting her chin over the block with both her hands, which, holding there still, had been cut off had they not been espied.
Then lying upon the block most quietly, and stretching out her arms cried, “In manus tuas, Domine”, etc., three or four times.
Then she, lying very still upon the block, one of the executioners holding her slightly with one of his hands, she endured two strokes of the other executioner with an axe, she making very small noise or none at all, and not stirring any part of her from the place where she lay: and so the executioner cut off her head, saving one little gristle, which being cut asunder, he lifted up her head to the view of all the assembly and bade God save the Queen.
Then, her dress of lawn falling from off her head, it appeared as grey as one of threescore and ten years old, polled very short, her face in a moment being so much altered from the form she had when she was alive, as few could remember her by her dead face.
Her lips stirred up and down a quarter of an hour after her head was cut off.
Then Mr Dean [Dr Fletcher, Dean of Peterborough] said with a loud voice, ‘So perish all the Queen’s enemies,’ and afterwards, the Earl of Kent came to the dead body, and standing over it, with a loud voice said, ‘Such end of all the Queen’s and the Gospel’s enemies.’

Then one of the executioners, pulling off her garters, espied her little dog which was crept under her clothes, which could not be gotten forth but by force, yet afterwards would not depart from the dead corpse, but came and lay between her head and her shoulders, which being imbrued with her blood was carried away and washed, as all things else were that had any blood was either burned or washed clean, and the executioners sent away with money for their fees, not having any one thing that belonged unto her.
And so, every man being commanded out of the hall, except the sheriff and his men, she was carried by them up into a great chamber lying ready for the surgeons to embalm her.
 “In my end is my beginning” Marie R”

Amazing Response To A Post I Did Calling For A True National Party For Scotland



grandpa and grandma

Today, I had a unexpected surprise on my linkedin account, this notification regarding someone searching me, three people from this place:

Screenshot_2020-01-30 LinkedIn

I believe what has caused this is my recent writing on Scotland, why should I not, since Scotland is one of many of my earthly ancestral homes and I care deeply about these places that my ancestors ruled over and defended.

One piece of writing,Calling For A True Scottish National Party, A Scottish Renewal, where I went through the history of the so called National Party of Scotland and then I showed that Catholics now have a majority in the country and they should form a true Scottish National Party!

Now to the good sirs and everyone at HMICFRS, I do say you need to secure the UK from the those refugees under the failed Government of Theresa May let in, and restore law and order back to the Isle of Britain, and kick these law breakers back to wherever they come from, close the boarders and protect the British People!

I’m sure my ancestors got the King of England all fired up and mad with their letters in exile too, so I’m in good company.  The History of Scotland needs told, errors corrected, so many evils corrected since the murder and pillage of churches, which still happen, the pillage of churches in Glasgow, same as the History of the British Isle needs told properly and not falsified by the BBC!

If they are so worried on keeping people in the dark, and afraid of an heir to the throne who is an American Citizen, they are neither truly secure in their thinking or belief, that truth would cause them to fear, if they held onto the truth and not try to change it, erase it, they would not fear and of course, Britain would be strong still, but by them fearing truth and even an heir speaking truth, they have shown how weak, timid they have become since King Henry VIII removing Truth from Britain for his own version, allowing him to change wives like one changes clothes, which is why Britain is weak on stopping crime by these so called migrants, but hard on it’s citizens who expose the crimes of said so called migrants, even arrest citizens who read the words of Prime Minister Winston Churchill in public! This attack on Truth, this being afraid of Truth, is why they were so afraid and came looking at me, because of the Truth I have shared to the whole world thanks to Social Media via this blog I run!

I call on Prime Minister Boris Johnson, to end this attack on Truth, to end this attack on the people of Britain who share the Truth, who expose the crimes of these so called migrants; and remove these so called migrants from Britain! They have no place in this land if they do not abide by the laws of the country! Put British People First Now That You Are Out Of The European Union! Free Tommy Robinson! He has done more to show the crimes of these so called migrants, than what the police force has done.  Finally, let the real history of Britain, Ireland, Scotland, Wales be shared and taught!


Scotland Needs A True National Party For Catholics: A Scottish Renewal!

grandpa and grandma

Mary, Queen Of Scots, Pray For Us!

My dear fellow Catholic Scots, my dear people, I know you hate hearing from foreigners telling you what to do, I’m not exactly a foreigner, but a Scot, like all the Princes, Kings and Queens of Scotland born not in Scotland, but from Scotland by ancestors.

But recently, in learn the awful truth of Scotland and how our beloved country fell and sharing only the small introductory part, I actually heard from you on the Youtube Channel I run for Ordo Militaris Catholicus, and you thanked me for sharing this information that you never heard, so I am sharing more from what I am learning from the Scottish Historian, Francesco Josepa Dougan.

I am currently reading/studying his paper, Scottish Nationalist Party Founded On Hate & Persecution Of Scottish & Irish Catholics

“By Tom Gallagher 1985. ” The Scottish Historical Review 64, 143-67″. Throughout this chapter Tom Gallagher brings an in-depth view on the hatred displayed and performed by Presbyterian leaders especially during the period dated above.

He notes the victimisation against Irish and Scottish Catholics by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland and the report they produced entitled; The Menace of the Irish Race on Our Scottish Nationality.He writes;“George Malcolm Thomson (later a notable journalist and long-standing aide to Lord Beaverbrook) and Andrew Dewar Gibb, (Founder of the SNP) professor of Scots law at Glasgow University were two nationalists who by the end of the 1920s, were writing about the menace from within posed by the ‘Irish’ in Scotland”.He names Annie S. Swan and R. W. Campbell as amongst the worst by writing;“The arch-imperialist R. W. Campbell, of whom it has been said that he seemed to despise anyone who was not a white, Scottish, Boys Brigade member”.

Tom Gallagher writes about Alexander Ratcliffe and the sectarian newspaper he produced The Vanguard and his viscous political party The Scottish Protestant League (SPL).

Gallagher writes about Catholic schools and notes; The ‘religious’ matter which chiefly preoccupied the SPL was the fact that Catholic schools were now maintained by the state under Section 18 of the 1918 Education (Scotland) Act. Previously largely financed from the meagre resources of the 650,000 strong (and mainly working class) Catholic community”.


Ratcliffe and his followers in the SPL were demanding the abolition of Catholic schools and crying that it was ” Rome on the rates”. Gallagher writes;“This slogan conveniently over looked the fact that up to 1918, Catholic ratepayers had been obliged to subsidise non-Catholic schools while having to make other provisions for their own”. These facts that Gallagher brings were these same scenario with Catholic Churches and properties robbed from the Scottish Catholics from 1560.

Ratcliffe was also a contributor to the labour party weekly ‘The Forward’ which Gallagher claims was the premier paper of the Scottish left from 1906 to the 1950s.Tom Gallagher continues; “Ratcliffe belonged to the Scottish Fascists whose leader Weir Gilmour, maintained his anti-Catholicism well into the post-war years.Gallagher writes that Ratcliffe had close ties with militant Protestants in Northern Ireland and referrers to an incident at the newly opened ‘parliament’ at Stormont.

On 2nd of May 1933 when a picture depicting King William of Orange being blessed by an ecclesiastical figure resting on a cloud was attacked by an SPL contingent, The painting was daubed by in paint by Mrs. Mary Ratcliffe and then slashed by councillor Forrester”.

Actually this has always been part and parcel of Presbyterian philosophy as we have seen in recent years the same crimes being committed by their followers, who carried out the slashing of Salvador Dali’s masterpiece St. John of the Cross in a Glasgow museum, not to forget the hundred of churches, monasteries and works of art that they have destroyed throughout the past four hundred and forty years, in Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales.Gallagher informs his reader that Lord Scone, Tory MP for Perth had been honorary president of the Scottish Protestant League.Tom Gallagher goes on about Ratcliffe’s visit to nazi-Germany in August 1939 and his support for the Hitler regime he wrote; “By 1940, the Jews had replaced Roman Catholics as his main bugbear and he

contemptuously referred to the Gorbals district of Glasgow as ‘Jew-land’. Articles entitled in The Vanguard ‘Our Jewish Usurers’, ‘the Jews and crime’ and ‘Why Germany put out the Jews’ and a piece entitled ‘Britain’s Pro-Jew Menace’.

He wrote in Vanguard ‘we are very kind to Roman Catholics in Scotland, of course the reason being that we have no Hitler in our midst to eject Popery. Ratcliffe, a Protestant iconoclast to the last, wanted to see the triumph of Hitler”.

Gallagher introduces John Cormack a Protestant extremist who had been accused of stealing mail from the General Post Office where he worked in Edinburgh in 1932, details are listed by Gallagher of the sectarian violence and hatred by Cormack and his followers known as Protestant Action.The Hope Trust is pointed out by Gallagher as having given out anti-Catholic literature to Bible classes and the Boys’ Brigade for many years.During this period Cormack no doubt spurred on by John White the sectarian moderator of the Church of Scotland, the Protestant Action group were standing for elections and Tom Gallagher notes a bold black headline from the Edinburgh and Leith Observer stating; “Sectarianism Dominating Municipal Election, Wild Ward Meetings, Protestant Storm Troops Adopt Un-Christian Tactics.”

Cormack represented South Leith without interruption from 1938 till 1962.Gallagher wrote that Cormack formed ‘Kormack’s Kaledonian Klan’ he notes;“A paramilitary body derived from the Ku Klux Klan.

He continues to inform his reader;“At the 1935 general election William Fullerton, the leader of the Protestant ‘Billy Boy’ gang came from this part of Glasgow and was a section leader in the British Union of Fascists.”Gallagher points out the evil in these organisations; “On two separate occasions at the Mound (Edinburgh) in June 1940 he (Cormack) was reported as saying that ‘ when Protestants went “over the top”(as in the war) with Roman Catholics, the Protestants should shoot them’, but no action was taken

(by the authorities).

Cormack was elected as a baillie 1955 by his fellow councillors”.

I would like to know the statistics about any Roman Catholics who had the mis-fortune to be tried in a court with Cormack as the magistrate, though this only lends ammunition to my argument that these types of religious maniacs should not be empowered to decide the fate of the proletariat.Gallagher wrote; “The Rev. D. M. McGregor spoke out against the linking of Protestantism with mob violence: “If Protestantism can only be vindicated in such crude ways, its day is nearly done.”From volume 5 of the Open University book ( University of Dundee ) entitled “Major Documents”, published by Tuckwell Press Ltd. 1998.Edited by Anthony Cooke, Ian Donnachie, Ann MacSween and Christopher A. Whatley.I will highlight some of their findings on Document 24 ‘Lord Kames’ Statute Law abridged’.

All seminary priests found in the realm, all receptors of these if found a third time in fault, all sayers of mass, and all wilful hearers of mass and concealers of the same, are subjected to the pains of death, and the confiscation of their moveables. A Protestant servant, if he became a Papist, is to be punished, and must be dismissed his service.If a Papist purchase land, the deed of sale is declared null, and the seller is entitled to retain both the land and the price.

No professed Papist shall be capable of succeeding to an estate; and if a Protestant becomes a Papist he forfeits his estate.Neither shall it be allowed to any professed, or even suspected Papist, to teach any art, science, or exercise of any sort, under pain of 500 merks; and the above penalties may be sued for by any Protestant subject for his own behoof as his reward.

That no adjudication or real diligence shall be competent at the instance of a Papist; neither shall a Papist be capable of becoming tutor, curator, or factor; and if any person or persons presume to employ a Papist, or such as are suspected of Popery, in any of the above trusts, they must purge themselves of Popery, under the penalty of a year’s valued rent, or a fine of 1000 merks.

No Papist past the age of 15 shall be capable to succeed as heir, nor bruik, nor enjoy any estate by disposition or conveyance from any person to whom the said Papist is apparent heir, until he purge himself of Popery. The heir under 15 must purge himself of Popery before succeeding as heir, and if here refuse to do so his right shall go to the next Protestant heir.Presbyterians are appointed to summon before them all Papists, and those suspected of Papistry, in order to satisfy the Kirk; and if Papists do not produce sufficient certificates of their having given due satisfaction to the Kirk, they shall be declared rebels, put to the horn, and both their single and life-rent escheated.

Further, that whoever receipts, supplies or entertains, such persons after denunciation aforesaid, shall incur the penalty of single and life-rent escheat.”Source: Lord Kames, Statute Law Abridged, quoted in Senex (psued) 1884 Glasgow Past and Present Vol. 11, Glasgow, 163-4.On the same page of this document listed as Notes 2, ( Scots Magazine 1756, 100 ) itstates;”On the 1st of March, 1756, Hugh M’Donald, brother of M’Donald of Morra, was tried at Edinburgh before the High Court of Judiciary, at the instance of the Lord Advocate, for refusing to purge himself of Popery.

Being asked ‘whether he was willing to take the formula prescribed by Act 1700-3′ he declared, ‘that he was not at freedom of conscience to do it.’He was then found guilty in terms of libel, and sentenced to be banished from the kingdom, never to return under pain of death.’From the same book Document 25, Religion, entitled (The Encrease of Popery in the Highlands) the writer examines the Church of Scotland documents from ministers;

“This is one of a number of reports written by groups of Highland ministers of the Church of Scotland concerning the growth of Roman Catholicism in the Highlands.In much of the area, Presbyterianism had never been fully established, but during the first half of the eighteenth century the attempt to Presbyterianise the people was seen as the key to the ‘hearts and minds’ element of suppressing Jacobitism.

These accounts show how Catholicism was relatively flourishing and how the work of the Presbyterian clergy was difficult. Dated 19 May, 1714. I will show some of the findings of this document such as;“Priest Frazer is entertained in The Duke of Gordon’s family.” “There are above six hundred Papists in the paroch of Bellie, & in Kinnore & Dumbennan the Papists are equal in numbers to the Protestants.” “The Papists in the said bounds have of late set up private schools which are taught by Popish women.”

There are in the paroch of Inveraven two hundred and seventy Papists.”“In the paroch of Lochaber the priests swarm like Locusts.”

“There are four large tracts of ground in the presbytery of Lorne upon the continent vizt: Muirdart, Arasaig, Morhirr & Knoidart contiguous to one another, which are altogether Popish.” “The Isles of Rum, Egg & Canna are all Popish. The Isle of South Uist is all Popish.”“These Countreys and Islands were never Reformed from Popery.

And generally all the relations followers & tennants of Clanronald, through all his Lands both in the Continent & Isles are all Papists.” “In these countreys there are to the number of two thousand Papists.” One must take into account how many Scottish historians have claimed that the Reformation was an overnight success yet we see from this document that there were thousands of Catholics and many priests, this was over 150 years after the Reformation.

Today in the 21st-century Scotland still has desperate problems, especially when a man such as Pope John Paul II accused the nation of being non-Christian.

I cannot recall recent Pope’s describing Scotland in a manner that the present Pope has made, however this declaration is of no great surprise considering the atrocities and abuses that have been performed by Protestant/Presbyterian’s over the past centuries.

Written and researched by;

Frank J Dougan”


I now ask, what is needed?  The Irish and Scottish Catholics in Scotland need to form their own party, there is currently, 841,000 Catholics in Scotland, big enough to create a Majority Government to remove the Socialist, Anti-Catholic, Anti-Scottish SNP Party from power.  No more being ruled by a government that hates our history, hates our country of Scotland, and the truth of our history can be re-told and taught again in schools, where we can change the Constitution back to being Scottish, Catholic.

If the Presbyterian Church wants to have their own “churches” for their Protestant services, then they can build their own, but must give back all Catholic Property and leave, and can purchase land of their own, setup those quick buildings like we have in the States, big and nice, then proper permits on building their own religious buildings.

Those who attack Catholic parishes in Glasgow, members of the Orange Protestant Masonic Temple, must be held accountable and no Religious Hatred must be tolerated.

Borders Secured, Scottish Exit from the EU and the UK, where the Scottish Majority, Catholics, elect Catholics who are authentically Catholic, who support Pro Life with no exemptions; meaning all life is protected, even in the cases of rape & incest, because the child formed in the womb by that evil act is innocent.

No Euthanasia, all life from the unborn, born, elderly, ill, everyone must be protected!

Traditional Marriage; 1 Man & 1 Woman must be protected, defended and promoted, so to, big families and do the big families bill that Hungary is doing to grow the population back up above the replacement number of people.

All Abortion & Contraception, Pornography: in Music videos, movies, TV, magazines, internet must be outlawed and banned.

Islam and the Koran banned, no more allowing in fake refugees just to setup no go zones, and creating Jihadi Networks in Europe or any where, the good Imam of Peace, is always welcomed, he speaks out against Traditional Islam that fosters Terrorism.

What would it take for this to happen? Brave Catholic Clergy who actually believes and teaches Authentic Catholicism and not that watered down, Protestantized Catholicism being promoted by the Vatican. Also, the laity to use the Internet and learn their Faith, learn the actual history of Scotland, speak up, do peaceful rallies demanding all of this that I laid out.

To the Catholic Laity, you can read the Writings of the Church Fathers Online, The Summa Theologica of Saint Thomas Aquinas Online, The Douay Rheims Bible Online, The Writings of Henry Edward Cardinal Manning Online, The Writings of John Henry Cardinal Newman Online, The Works of Saint John Cardinal Fisher Online, Saint Thomas More’s Writings Online, and so many more!

Go learn Your Faith! It is all free and online for you to study! Learn Your Faith and Restore Scotland!

God bless you and May my dear Great Grandmother, Saint Queen Margaret of Scotland Pray and Intercede For Us!


Calling On Remaining Faithful Catholics Of France To Help The Remaining Faithful Catholics of Scotland Spread The Faith


grandpa and grandmaIn the post, A Year For Holy Pilgrimage: To The Shrine Of Saint Queen Margaret Of Scotland
The Stolen Abbey Of Dunfermline and The Open Lies

The Sad History Of Scotland: How Scotland Fell

As is reported in the History of How Scotland Fell and the Catholics of France to the aide of Scotland, it is now the time to have the remaining faithful Catholics of Scotland and France unite to help spread the Authentic Faith in each other’s countries and help restore them.

If Francesco Joseph Dougan can get a pilgrimage setup with the meeting of Catholics in Scotland and it would be awesome if old allies could join together and do this pilgrimage to the relic of Saint Queen Margaret of Scotland.

June 10th to the 19th is what I hope, her original feast day and then the date of her canonization.

Then the Catholics of Scotland could join you in Holy Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Saint King Louis IX and the Shrine of Saint Michael at Mont Saint Michel

Even though I’m in America and can’t travel, let us join in prayer to help restore Catholic Scotland and France!
